Review of the year 2022

Das 50. Jubiläum von ELABO war ein Jahr voller Innovationen

ELABO was founded on 13 May 1972. Heinrich Decker and Egon Lauton laid the foundation for a successful company history in Kirchberg an der Jagst. 2022 marked the fiftieth anniversary of this foundation.

At the end of the anniversary year, we review the highlights of the last twelve months:

In 2022, true to the anniversary motto "50 years the innovative force in electrical engineering", it became clear that ELABO has not lost any of its innovative power over the past decades. On the contrary: 2022 was the year of major new developments, as demonstrated by the primus two in the field of workplace solutions, the elution two assembly as a digital assistance system, the elution two lab for controlling devices and workplaces, and a new leakage current device.

The cooperation with bott as the mother company continued to be successful. ELABO and bott were able to establish themselves on the market as a team of two. The digital assistance software elution two assembly and testing systems from ELABO in combination with the avero workstation system from bott result in assembly lines that meet the most modern demands. This was demonstrated both at this year's Motek in Stuttgart and in the first major joint project worth tens of millions. The project was commissioned last year and parts of it were already delivered at the end of this year.

In addition to Motek, ELABO was again able to successfully participate in various trade fairs this year. In particular, electronica, but also didacta and all about automation were a complete success. There, interested trade fair visitors were able to see live demonstrations of ELABO hardware and software solutions and convince themselves of the quality of our solutions.

Due to the Corona situation, there was no big celebration during the anniversary, but at least we were able to celebrate extensively with our employees. In May with a food truck and ice cream van, in July with the entire staff in Ingelfingen, Germany for a wine hike, team activities and BBQ.

The numerous anniversaries of long-standing colleagues were also particularly pleasing this year. Timo Henkelmann personally congratulated them on three 10-year anniversaries, two 20-year anniversaries, five 25-year anniversaries, seven 30-year anniversaries and one 40-year anniversary.

Furthermore, we were able to recruit many new colleagues for our team again this year: A total of 32 great new team members joined in 2022.

So much for the special highlights of the past year. Now we wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Thank you for a successful anniversary year 2022!

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